Searching Brescia on Google

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization is the process of boosting a page's website traffic through organic search engine results.

When creating a brand new page, the following should be kept in mind for including metadata, which will help increase SEO results and your webpage traffic.

Title: Page title tags are displayed at the top of the user's web browser. It is important to use a title that is concise and easily recognizable. Page titles should be less than 60 characters long.

Description: The page descriptions serve the purpose of advertising copy and drawing readers to a website from search engines. Descriptions should summarize the page content with embedded keywords that a user would search for on the given topic on a page. Descriptions should be between 120 - 158 characters in length.

Keywords: Keywords are the words and phrases that users utilize to search for a page in a search engine. When creating keywords for your page avoid a list of repetive words and instead use a variety of different phrases that are tailored to your content. Note: these keywords should be specific to the content on your page, as Brescia-specific keywords are already included by default.