Brescia University

Centre for Leadership

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Brescia’s Centre for Leadership program for leader development builds on three critical components of effective leadership: leader character, leader competencies (people competencies, organizational competencies, strategic competencies, business competencies), and leader commitment. In addition, various aspects of Leading Self, Engaging Others, Achieving Results, Developing Coalitions & Partnerships, and Transforming Systems are woven throughout the leader development courses.

A Certificate in a Microcredentials requires completion of five microcredential courses. The following offerings are examples of existing courses, but the actual courses offered to an organization depends on what might best meet the needs of that organization’s leader development needs.


Balancing on the Tightrope of Crisis Leadership

Balancing on the Tightrope of Crisis Leadership

Volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA) has been used to describe the uncontrollable conditions and situations that organizations and leaders find themselves. In addition, the polarization of populations has escalated during the pandemic. Crisis leadership emphasizes the need to balance “taking charge” with “taking care.” The current return to work fears and resistance requires managing conflict skills. Three broad topics are covered in this offering: 1) the VUCA world, 2) balancing taking care and taking charge, and 3) conflict management skills within teams.

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Leading Change without Resistance

Organizations continue to evolve and change, but leading organizations towards greater equity and justice requires deep examination of not only the organization and what the leader does but also who the leader is. In addition to examining the nature of change, traditional change management models, change agent roles, we examine change as evolution using appreciative inquiry. Resistance, persuasion and influence techniques take on new meanings. Three broad topics are covered in this offering: 1) Leading with Character, 2); Assessing the Context and 3) Change as an Opportunity to Evolve.

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Leading Change without Resistance
Creating Psychological Safety in Organizations

Creating Psychological Safety in Organizations

An individual’s ability to thrive and grow in their workplace is dependent upon many factors, including the culture and environment of their organization. By cultivating a psychologically safe environment, leaders can expect an increase in organizational effectiveness, innovation, and employee commitment to the organization. In this course, we will explore how individuals, at any level of leadership in an organization, can contribute to creating an atmosphere which facilitates an ideal and inclusive learning environment, as well as personal and professional development. Four broad topics will be covered in this offering: 1) Developing Organizational Culture for Psychological Safety; 2) Doing Power Differently; 3) Leading Inclusively; and 4) Giving Voice to Values.

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Navigating Gender Inequities in the Workplace

Workplaces often perpetuate the interests of those most privileged in society and replicate the existing power structures in society. Through socialization, many of the biases and barriers (but not all) for everyone else operate at an unconscious basis. In this short course, we will examine the stereotypes and unconscious biases that create obstacles for women and develop actions that can overcome the inequities within an organization and advance one's career. Three broad topics will be covered in this
offering: 1) understanding intersectionality, 2) revealing and countering unconscious bias and stereotypes; and 3) flipping the script.

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Navigating Gender Inequities in the Workplace
Daring to Lead

Daring to Lead (this is equivalent to 2 microcredential courses)

Brave leaders and courage cultures are needed for individuals to thrive at work. Brené Brown defines a leader as “anyone who takes responsibility for finding the potential in people and processes, and who has the courage to develop that potential.” Grounded in two decades of qualitative research that asked the question “what would it look like to combine courage, connection, and meaning with the world of work,” Brown’s book Dare to Lead and course taught by a certified facilitator focuses on four parts: Rumbling with Vulnerability; Living into our Values; Braving Trust, and Learning to Rise.

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Diverse Leaders

Solutions to society’s most pressing problems require leadership that include a diversity of knowledge, experiences, and approaches. Yet, the values placed on pedigree and history remain. In this course, we invite speakers to share their lived experience of leadership within their own community. What were the values, assumptions and understanding of leadership that they experienced. Who were the leaders? How did they become leaders? How did they behave? What were their responsibilities? How were they kept accountable? Has that changed over time? This matters not only for individuals from a diversity of experiences, but also for organizations as new equity, diversity, inclusion and decolonization practices are developed.

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Diverse Leaders

Mode of Delivery/ Format

In addition to the option of the more traditional in person one day workshop (or multiple half day sessions) mode of delivery, as a post secondary educational institution, the Centre for Leadership at Brescia is able to offer these developmental skills-based opportunities as microcredentials.

Workshops are interactive and use active learning activities such as case method learning, debates, simulations, polling, surveys, breakout groups for small group discussion, think-pair-share, etc. The desired outcomes are skills-based. One topic can be the focus for more in-depth learning or a higher level broad overview can be offered for each of the offerings introduced above.

Microcredentials have been identified through the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities as skills-based courses 12-24 hours in duration completed typically over three to six weeks. The Centre for Leadership microcredential courses are usually 18 hours in total duration with 9 hours of asynchronous online work (guided self learning) and 9 hours of synchronous (real time) online learning. Active learning techniques similar to the workshops are used with greater duration and intensity. In addition, evaluation of skills acquired is needed for completion of the microcredential. The synchronous learning could be in person instead of online. Each individual course is formally recognized (typically through badges) and five individual courses such those identified above can be combined for a Microcredential Certificate in Leadership.


  • Dr. Marlene Janzen Le Ber

    Dr. Marlene Janzen Le Ber

    Professor, Leadership Studies
    Distinguished Chair, Centre for Leadership 
    Tel: 519.432.8353 x28224
    Office: Ursuline Hall 307

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