Two students walking together on a sunny day on Brescia's campus, passing in front of the Mercato's big windows.

Submit a Concern

A Care and Concern Submission (CCS) is the most effective way for Brescia staff and faculty to share any student concerns in a quick and coordinated manner (accessed via UWO login).

Once a submission is made, it is reviewed and assessed by a Care Program Triager. Each time a CCS is made, the faculty or staff member who submitted the concern will receive a timely follow-up communication from the Triager. The Care Program values timely and personalized communication with faculty and staff, helping to build confidence and trust in the process so we can best support students, together.

I am a Brescia*
Please identify the type of your concern*
Check all that apply.
Remember to use behaviour-based and objective language (i.e., Factual information that focuses on what you heard or observed directly, or what the student told you. Who was involved; Where did it occur (location); When did it happen (dates); What actions you took. **Leave out your personal interpretation, opinion or potential diagnosis of the issues.
Academic Concern
Check all that apply.
Behavioural Concern
Check all that apply.
Financial Concern
Check all that apply.
Mental Health Concern
Check all that apply.
Physical Health Concern
Check all that apply.
Safety: Harm to Self
Check all that apply.
Safety: Harm to Others
Check all that apply.
Safety: Harm From Others
Check all that apply.
Remember to use behaviour-based and objective language (i.e., Factual information that focuses on what you heard or observed directly, or what the student told you. Who was involved; Where did it occur (location); When did it happen (dates); What actions you took. **Leave out your personal interpretation, opinion or potential diagnosis of the issues.**
Other identifying information *
Check all that apply.
What services is the student already connected to?*
Your response/actions taken to date*
Check all that apply.

This could include copies of emails, text messages, social media posts, etc.
Does the student know this form is being submitted?*
If you click 'no', we still recommend that you let the student know you've shared your concern with the Care Program. Transparency with the student is important.

If you have questions about the program or encounter any technical difficulties, please email