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Report an Incident

Choosing to report an incident of gender-based or sexual violence is a very difficult decision. As with disclosing, each survivor will have unique reasons for choosing to report. It’s important to honour your choice about what you feel you can manage. It’s your choice to share as much or as little information as you are able.

You can report to law enforcement, Brescia, neither or both. No matter what you decide, you can still receive the support and accommodations from Brescia and Western that you may require.

Deciding not to file a report or complaint doesn’t mean there was no crime or that it doesn’t matter. It only means that you are not ready, whatever your reasons, to engage in these procedures.

Whatever you decide, it’s your choice.

Report an incident as a

Survivor Reporter

Law Enforcement & Legal Option

Criminal Option

  • Reports can be made to Western Campus Safety and Emergency Services and Special Constable Services and/or London Police to pursue criminal charges through the justice system
  • You can receive free legal information and referral services through Community Legal Services at Western’s Faculty of Law.
Brescia Options

Non-criminal, on-campus options

Code of Student Conduct

If the incident took place on campus or, in certain circumstances, off campus and was committed by a Brescia, Western, Huron, or King’s student

Complaints can be made in the following ways:
  • Using the Online Disclosure Form
  • Directly to the Manager, Student Wellness 
  • To Western Special Constable Service

The Residence Agreement and Community Standards Process

  • If the incident was committed by a Brescia residence student and it occurred on campus, or in certain circumstances, off campus
  • Complaints can be made to the Residence Manager

Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Policy

If the incident was committed by a Brescia employee, Brescia student, or anyone on Brescia grounds and occurred on campus or, in certain circumstances, off campus

Complaints can be made in the following ways:
  • Using the Online Disclosure Form
  • Directly to the Director, Human Resources
  • To the administrative head of your department, working with the Director, Human Resources

Workplace Violence Policy

If the incident was committed by a Brescia employee, Brescia student, or anyone on Brescia grounds and occurred on campus or, in certain circumstances, off campus

Complaints can be made in the following ways:
  • Using the Online Disclosure Form
  • Directly to the Director, Human Resources
  • To the administrative head of your department, working with the Director, Human Resources

You have the right to withdraw a complaint at any stage of the complaint or investigative process. However, due to legal obligations, Brescia may need to proceed without your participation in the process. Brescia will inform you if this happens and provide you with reasonable updates about the status of the process.

What to expect when reporting

Western Special Constable Service

  • Required to report incidents of sexual assault to London Police, if survivor decides to pursue a criminal option. This means Western Special Constable Service will need to share the name of the person making the report and a brief synopsis of the report
  • Does not report incidents to London Police, if survivor decides to pursue non-criminal, on-campus options or if they want to have an informational meeting to discuss reporting options
  • Does report incidents to Vice-Principal, Students and/or Director, Human Resources, if survivor decides to pursue non-criminal, on-campus options
  • Will develop a safety plan with survivor

Director, Human Resources

  • Reviews complaints that involve faculty/staff
  • Review complaints made using the Online Disclosure Form, brought forward by Western Special Constable Service, or made directly to their Office
  • Investigates complaints in a manner appropriate to the situation and as outlined in the Harassment & Discrimination Policy
  • May include an internal investigation or use of external resources to support the investigation

London Police

  • Reports come from 1) survivor, themselves; 2) friends or family on behalf of survivor; 3) Western Special Constable Service
  • Patrol officer dispatched as first point of contact to conduct preliminary investigation with survivor and witnesses in a brief report
  • Sexual Assault considered a major case
    Case is assigned to a sexual assault trained investigator, who contacts survivor
  • Will develop a safety plan with survivor
  • Legal process breakdown (UOttawa, p. 21)

Manager, Student Wellness

  • Can provide information about reporting options and what to expect after making a report
  • Can accompany survivor to Western Special Constable Service or University offices
  • Connect survivor to resources and coordinate accommodations for survivor

Western Gender-Based and Sexual Violence Prevention Education Coordinator

  • Can provide information about reporting options and what to expect after making a report
  • Can accompany survivor to Western Special Constable Service or University offices

  • Connect survivor to resources



  • Reviews complaints that involve students
  • Reviews complaints made using the Online Disclosure Form, brought forward by Western Special Constable Service, or made directly to their Office
  • Investigates complaints in a manner appropriate to the situation and as outlined in the Code of Student Conduct
  • May include an internal investigation or use of external resources to support the investigation