Brescia University

Faculty Scholar

The goal of the ALT Centre Faculty Scholars Program is to enhance the scholarship of teaching and learning at Brescia by supporting the design, research and knowledge mobilization of faculty teaching projects.

The ALT Centre Faculty Scholar appointment is a 1-year position, supported through a 0.5 credit release. Faculty Scholar projects can be in any area that supports Brescia’s Strategic Plan, including but not limited to women’s education, outcomes-based education, high impact educational practices and international or intercultural education.

If the proposed project requires research funding, the Faculty Scholar applicant should submit a Brescia Research Grant application. Contact Provost’s Office for Brescia's Research Grant Guidelines, details, and deadlines.

Past Recipients

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The ALT Centre Faculty Scholar position is open to all full-time Brescia Faculty.

Recipient Requirements

Faculty Scholars must be willing to share their project and research findings with the Brescia community. They must also be willing to share this information with the wider teaching and learning audience through, for example, peer-reviewed journals, discipline-specific conferences on teaching and learning, or local, national, and international conferences, such as the Campuses Connected Affiliate Conference or the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education annual conference.

Faculty Scholars are expected to be active within the Brescia teaching and learning community through contributing to teaching and learning professional development activities such as the Brescia Faculty Institute (BFI) days, ALT Centre workshops, or Cool Teaching Ideas community of practice.

Faculty Scholars will submit a final report that outlines the outcome of their project, related research, and anticipated impact from knowledge mobilization. Together with the final report, the Faculty Scholar will present a colloquium to the Brescia community on the outcome of their project, typically in the term after the completion of their project.

Submission Guidelines

ALT Centre Faculty Scholar applications can be submitted as a PDF or Word document to Mike O'Connor or John Mitchell. The 2021-2022 application deadline is 5:00 p.m. Monday April 19, 2021. 

Applications should include the following four components:

  1. Application Cover Sheet
  2. A short summary/press release of the project (maximum 250 words)
  3. Project proposal (maximum 6 pages)
    • Rationale and outcomes for the project
    • Reasons supporting 0.5 credit course request
    • Research plan and methods
      Project timeline
    • Impact of project on learning and teaching at Brescia
    • Suggested opportunities for offering professional development to the Brescia community
  4. Letter of Support from Chair of School

Selection Process

Applications will be assessed according to the following criteria:

  1. Alignment with Brescia’s Mission and Values.
  2. The quality and potential of the proposed project, including the extent to which the proposal aligns with and supports Brescia’s Academic Plan and Strategic Plan
  3. Potential impact on learning and teaching practices at Brescia and/or contribution to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.

Award of the ALT Centre Faculty Scholar will be determined by the Associate Academic Dean, the Advanced Learning and Teaching Centre Associate Director, one faculty member from the Learning and Teaching Committee and the immediate past ALT Centre Faculty Scholar. If the past Faculty Scholar is not available, a second faculty member of the Learning and Teaching Committee will join the selection committee.

Please note: If the proposed project requires research funding, the Faculty Scholar applicants should submit a Brescia Research Grant application. See the Brescia Research Grant Guidelines for additional details, and deadlines.